Which airports are close to Magdeburg?
There are four flight destinations which we may recommend for your trip to Magdeburg.
This is the nearest of the large international airports, about 140 km and 1.5 hour train ride from Magdeburg.
Berlin-Brandenburg Airport "BER":
Located as near to Magdeburg as the Tegel airport, Schönefeld is not served by as many airlines as Tegel. From the airport foyer exit, you proceed with the Terminal Shuttle to the Schönefeld train station from which you can reach the station Berlin-Ostbahnhof within 20 minutes by commuter trains. From Ostbahnhof, you proceed to Magdeburg by regular train of Deutsche Bahn.
New and aspiring international hub, 120 km from Magdeburg and situated 18 km north-west of the city of Leipzig. Regular, hourly Intercity trains running to and from Magdeburg (travel time: 1 hour). The Airport railway station is located on the premises of the airport.
From Hanover airport there are a direct bus and the S-Bahn (suburban train, Line 5) going to Hanover Hauptbahnhof. It takes about 20-30 minutes. Most connections are direct, a few require a transfer in Braunschweig (or with a small detour in Stendal). The travel time is about 90 minutes.
Destinations, like Munich; Hamburg, Düsseldorf or Frankfurt, are also possible, but farther away from Magdeburg.