What is the weather like?

Usually we have a  moderate climate in Magdeburg. Please awaite periods of cold weather from the middle of November through beginning of  March. Day temperatures during this time period are around 0 to 5 degrees Celsius, but can fall to 15 degrees Celsius below zero in cold winters, especially in January and February. Summer temperatures are somewhere between 25 and 30 degrees Celsius in July, August and sometimes in June too. The humidity is usually low. For current temperatures have a look at the Magdeburg weather forecast. Very nice are the different seasons in Germany. Rainy periods are ususally in: November and April. But please be aware that the weather conditions changed a lot during the last 10 years, because of the climate change world wide. Sometimes we have very cold winter with a lot of snow and sometimes  a cold summer season. We would like to remark that a change in the season started for about 5 years ago.

Please check out the current weather conditions here.

Click here to see live pictures of the weather in Magdeburg.


Last Modification: 06.10.2021 - Contact Person: Webmaster